AI & Acceleration

AI & Acceleration

Prepare to embark on another insightful journey into the world of AI with hosts James and Malcolm in the upcoming episode of AI Unpacked. Brace yourselves as they chart the blistering speed of AI's growth and its deep-seated influence on society and everyday life. As this technological revolution unfurls, they will discuss the alarm bells ringing louder about the glaring absence of regulatory frameworks and our collective unpreparedness for AI's impending strides. The evolution of AI isn't just an exploration of its potential, but also an urgent call to understand and manage its repercussions.

In this episode, the hosts will turn their gaze toward the looming reality of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Engage in an intense debate on AGI's proximity and its prospective implications for humanity, provoking a contemplation on the very essence of intelligence and consciousness. What might the advent of AGI mean for our future? Furthermore, James and Malcolm will cast a critical eye on existing AI tools, contemplating their next evolutionary stages and potential impact on various industries. Join them for this compelling exploration of the exhilarating, yet daunting, path AI is carving in our rapidly transforming world.